
conductive 3D printing filament PI-ETPU 95-250 Carbon Black the flexible and professional choice

This professional flexible and conductive 3D printing filament is made of a rubber-like TPU (Thermoplastic PolyUrethane) compound material with a carbon black filler witch is bound in the base polymer, it is the result of the inventor Thomas Palm´s (Palmiga Innovation, http://palmiga.com/) desire to 3D print some inventions of his.

So why 3D print conductive “rubber”? Well the first reason is a secret, Thomas had an idea but could not make it happen because the material needed was not available…. After tons of work and also getting tired of mediocre tolerances from the standard extruder companies he made the decision to make his own filament extruder.

“I have finally reached my goal to 3D print fantastic parts in conductive TPU “rubber” and I designed a consumer filament extruder in the process :- )”

The missing link was found;) Now it´s possible to make lots of different soft conductive designs like pens for mobile phone or tablet displays, keyboards, remote controls, force sensitive sensors/switches, EMC/ESD /explosive protective parts but also sandals, swimming fins, dampers/chock absorbers, tires, tank treads, bellows, V-belts, timing/synchronous belts (or any other type to transfer power), couplings, grommets, seals, etc.

If the conductivity is not an issue the material makes for a really good print with no “stringing / webbing” issues, nice matte surface finish and great for power transfer belt parts (due to the 250% stretch). Also the carbon black in the material blocks the UV-light effectively and the prints will last a very long time outdoors. The abrasion resistance is outstanding as well…

The print speed is a bit dependent on the printer used but we have printed at 70 mm/s successfully.

Thomas Palm - Palmiga Innovation - http://palmiga.com/ https://rubber3dprinting.com/ flexible and conductive 3D printing filament

Thomas Palm - Palmiga Innovation is a Board Member of The Swedish Inventors’ Association

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